Friday, December 4, 2015

Book Cover Collaboration

The goal of this assignment was to work with art students and by using their sketches we applied everything that we have learned this semester in GRA 101.

The book that Gabriela chose was 'The Old Man and The Sea' by Earnest Hemingway. Natasha, Cami, and I helped Gabriela come up with original sketches for her book cover. We each drew two sketches and then we let Gabriela chose the one she liked. She decided to go with her own masterpiece displayed above. After she chose the cover that she wanted we scanned the drawing and then messed around with the levels on Photoshop. After editing in photoshop we opened up InDesign and created a document that had the same dimensions as the book that she wanted to cover. The final step was to align the drawing with the margins and then print.

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