Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Vectorize Raster Logos

RGB Mode
Indxed Color Number

The RGB mode is definitely the better quality image as the edges of the image are way smoother and the colors are sharper. Because the RGB color mode uses more colors the file size of this new image will be 869 KB compared to the INDEXED image, which size is 345 KB. Even though the RGB uses more space it is definitely the more appealing image.


Orignal GIF

As we can clearly see the NEW GIF IMAGE has way better quality than the ORIGINAL. The original image had terrible resolution which was fixed by using the HIGH FIDELITY preset then changing it to a GIF FILE.

Ai: Compare File Sizes

3 colors 
High Fidelity
10pt. Curved Line
By using the 3 COLOR preset we decrease the number of colors therefore the file will be only about 2.1MB. When we use the HIGH FIDELITY preset we increase the number of colors therefore making the file size quite larger to 10.4 MB. Also when we use HIGH FIDELITY the number of vector points increases by about four times of the SIMPLE image.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


In order to make a perfect rectangle in illustrator  we must use the pen tool to first draw a line. After drawing the initial line find the anchor and draw three more lines until the rectangle is complete. 

You create a curve by adding an anchor point where a curve changes direction, and dragging the direction lines that shape the curve. The length and slope of the direction lines determine the shape of the curve.

In order to draw an arrow just draw a straight line with the pen tool. Open up the stroke window by going to Windows----->Stroke, then select the arrowhead that you want.

Position the Pen tool where you want the curve to begin, and hold down the mouse button.The first anchor point appears,and the Pen tool pointer changes to an arrowhead. 

In order to create a 3pt. curved line we position the Pen tool where we want the curve to begin, and hold down the mouse button. Once it's curved go to Windows----->Stroke, then under the arrow head option you can find all sorts of "arrowheads" select the one of your choosing.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Select star tool and drag 

Select the Flare tool then drag
for this tool one can adjust a variety of settings like the dimensions of the halos, rays, and rings.
Select star tool and change the number of points desired. 

Select Polygon tool and drag. 
Select polygon tool, then change the number of points you want.
Select rectangle tool then adjust the heigh and length to equal dimension 
Select rectangle tool and drag out
Select the Ellipse tool and drag.
Select the ellipse tool and adjust height and length dimensions 
Use Rounded Rectangle tool and drag.

Ai: Rasterize Vector Logo

16 colors Batman Logo
High Fidelity Sony Logo
16 Colors Mozilla Firefox
Sketched Art Apple Logo

The goal of this assignment was to learn how to edit these logos so that the quality of the logo would improve, as well as figuring out the appropriate delivery format. For the Apple logo the first image pre set i tried was line art which did look like an apple but not the Apple logo. I then used the technical drawing preset which completely changed the image to a weird looking silhouette of an apple. 
For the Batman logo I originally used the gray scale preset which made it look like a throwback logo from the 60's however, this logo did not work for this assignment because the logo did not have the appropriate color requirements. The correct preset for this logo was 16 colors as it sharpened the few colors that outlined the logo.
For the Mozilla Firefox logo I also used the 16 color preset as this image had many more shades. By using the 16 color preset those different shades come a lot sharper and the image actually increases in quality.
For the Sony Ericsson logo i used the high fidelity because when I uploaded to Ai and then re scaled the quality of the image was poor so it just made sense to use high fidelity because it increased the sharpness of all the different colored shades.